During this period you can still place your order: we will ship it on the earliest available date.
On MagnaParma.com website are supported all the most popular types of payment.
The payment must be made using the bank details outlined below. MAGNAPARMA will ship the order only after confirmation from its bank of transfer or after the customer has communicated by e-mail the CRO number issued by the bank at the time of the transfer.
You must indicate the number of purchase order as the reason of payment.
Bank: Banca Popolare di Sondrio
IBAN: IT80F0569612700000020125X04
ABI: 05696
CAB: 12700
C/C: 000020125X04
After confirming the order through the MAGNAPARMAa website, you will be redirected within the secure servers of Cartasì that will manage the online payment. The system supports the following credit cards: VISA, MasterCard, Maestro, JCB, American Express, Diners and uses all the existing security protocols 3D Secure – Verified by Visa, MasterCard SecureCode e CV2 to guarantee maximum tranquility during the payment process. Once you finished the payment transaction you will be automatically redirected to the MAGNAPARMA website to complete the order.
After confirming the order through the MAGNAPARMA website, you will be redirected within the secure servers of PayPal™: you can pay with all the most popular credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, etc..) or directly through your Paypal account.
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