During this period you can still place your order: we will ship it on the earliest available date.
On MAGNAPARMA you can quickly and easily calculate the shipping cost before you make a purchase.
Here’s how to do:
– Add to the shopping cart all the products you’d like to buy
– Go to the shopping cart page by clicking on the link in the top right corner next to the search bar or in the box on the left
– Just below the list of products you will find the form to calculate the shipping costs
– Write the name of the country and the province of destination and click on GET A QUOTE. Depending on the destination, the available shipping methods and their cost will appear.
– click on UPDATE TOTAL and you will see the total cost of your order, including the costs of shipping you have been chosen.
You can do all the simulations you want without losing the contents of your shopping cart before proceeding with the order.
We remind you that only for shipments to Italy the transport costs, for the first 30 kg of weight, are free for orders above 150 euros.
Orders of amount less than € 70,00 will be charged with a fee of € 6,00
is a trademark of PARMA VALLEY Società cooperativa consortile | Borgo Riccio da Parma, 21 – 43121 Parma – ITALY
Cell. +39 329 2627659 from Monday to Friday from 9 – 12 | email: info@magnaparma.com
VAT IT02839090343 – REA: PR – 271056
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